Organization Development

  • Organization Capacity Assessment (OCA).
  • Organization Structure Review- Relevance, Efficiency and Effectiveness.
  • Training Need Assessment (TNA).
  • SWOT Analysis.
  • Structural Review of the Organization.
  • Strategy /Policy / Guideline Development.
  • Business Plan Development.
  • Fund Raising/Resource Mobilization Support.
  • Organization Promotional Support-Brand Promotion.
  • Business Incubation Support.
  • Support Access to Finance.
Accountability Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Third Party Monitoring of development and business interventions (Performance of projects, Programs and organizations).
  • Baseline, Mid-line, End line, and Impact Evaluation.
  • Support Credit Rating for Financial Institutions.
  • Technical, Financial and Environmental Due Diligence Assessment for GO, NGO and Companies.
Knowledge Management- Generation to Dissemination
  • Feasibility and Scoping Study.
  • Situation Analysis/Contextual Analysis.
  • Market Assessment/Market Survey/ Research and Market Feasibility.
  • Landscape Assessment.
  • Value-Chain Analysis.
  • Process documentation and Event Documentation.
  • Perception Poll/ Survey.
  • 360-degree solutions in Organizing and facilitating Knowledge generation to dissemination events like Workshop, Seminar, Conference, and Convention.
Environmental Improvement

  • Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Assessment.
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Assessment.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment .
Training and Capacity Building

  • Leadership and Management Training.
  • Rights-Empowerment-Governance and Advocacy Training.
  • Capacity Building for SMEs.
Call Center

  • Advisory or Awareness raising services for farmers.
  • Advisory Services for SMEs as Business Incubation Support.
Campaign and Advocacy

  • Collective Platform Development and Facilitation for greater impacts.
  • Advocacy for Inclusive and Rights Ensuring Policy making/Pro-poor policy making.